
CopeCart encourages you to seek additional information, conduct research, and consider your circumstances before purchasing this product.

After a review of this product:

1. The content of this product, including text, images, logos, and other creative elements, may contain copyrighted material owned by another party (not the Seller).

2. There is no affiliation with any individuals, organizations, or entities that may be mentioned, or perceived as connected to this commemorative or souvenir-type product.

3. This Vendor may be based outside the United States.

4. This is a commemorative card and is solely intended as memorabilia with no cash value.

By purchasing this product, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and considerations mentioned in this product disclosure. You accept full responsibility for purchasing this product.

Copecart does not manage the shipping of any products. If you experience any issues with receiving your products, you must reach out to the Vendor directly.

Important Notice

The Card provided by PENSION Card and sold through Copecart are intended for decorative and personal use only. They are not meant for official or critical labeling purposes.

While we strive for accuracy in color reproduction, please be aware that the colors of stickers may vary slightly due to differences in monitors and printing processes.

PENSION CARD does not take responsibility for any damage caused by the removal of stickers from surfaces. We recommend testing a small area before applying stickers to valuable or delicate items.

Cards are not intended for use on items that will be exposed to extreme temperatures, moisture, or harsh outdoor conditions, as this may affect their adhesive and appearance.

It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the use of our stickers complies with any applicable laws and regulations, including copyright and trademark laws. [PENSION CARD] assumes no liability for any misuse of our cards..

Pension Card reserves the right to make changes to sticker designs, sizes, and materials without prior notice.

All orders placed through CopeCart are subject to acceptance by Pension Card , and we reserve the right to refuse service or cancel orders at our discretion.

For customer support or inquiries regarding orders placed through CopeCart, please contact Pension Card.

Please note that CopeCart is a separate platform responsible for processing payments and order management. For inquiries related to payments, refunds, and order processing, please refer to Copecart's terms and policies.

By purchasing and using stickers from Pension through CopeCart, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer.

Thank you for choosing Pension Card for your collection needs.